We are excited to be back in the flow of things here in Peru and anticipating all God will do in this term! All three of the kids are back in school now, and we have been dedicated to finding a landing spot for Redeemer Baptist Church. We have identified the specific area we want to start in within the larger zone we had previously selected. We have looked at many places and options, but have not yet found the place we believe we are to start. Honestly, it has been frustrating and discouraging as each place we’ve seen falls short of what we are looking for, but it has been an exercise in trusting that God will provide – and we know He will do just that!
Location Search Continues
In our search for the right place to plant the church we have had input and counsel from both missionary church planters and local pastors. Each has given us wise counsel and insight to help us make an informed and wise decision. We are working hard to find any and all available options, and we are trusting God to lead us to the right one! Would you please pray with us that God would give us wisdom and that He would provide the right place for us to start?
Hosanna turned 5!
Amidst all of the commotion this month we also had a birthday, Hosanna turned 5! Sanna is sweet and generous and always thinking of others. We are thankful that the Lord has entrusted her to us, and we look forward to how He will work in her life. This month all three kids started school also! Corban is only 2, but he started going a few days per week. He makes sure to tell us each day about his favorite subject: lunch!
Easter Week
I had the opportunity to preach at the church of the young man who taught me Spanish. I preached on the change brought about by the death of Christ and the new life we have in Him. Our perception of those around us should no longer be an earthly one, but one that sees their spiritual condition and need. The week leading up to Easter Sunday in Latin America puts on clear display that need for the change that only the gospel can provide. The work is not finished here, and we are asking God to use us greatly to impact lives with the gospel message. Would you pray with us that God would use us as messengers to carry His good news?
As we press forward in hope and expectation we are reminded of all of the ways God has provided up to this point, including bringing us in contact with YOU! Thank you for your faithfulness and prayers for our family.
New Church Plant!
We’ve been asking for prayer about a new church plant for the last few months. God has given us clarity and direction on planting Redeemer Baptist Church in an area of the city called “Bustamante”. This is the area we started a bible study in earlier this year. There is a strong presence of Mormon and Jehovah’s Witness outreach, and we believe there is a great need for the gospel! Would you pray for us as we seek to raise $200,000 to purchase a property and building to provide a lighthouse of hope in this urban community?
Vision Baptist Missions, Inc. and the Our Generation Training Center have been praying for God to provide space for the ministry to expand. In February 2022, through the giving of many generous individuals and churches, God provided an excellent property in Dawsonville, Georgia with several buildings. We are very excited about the property the Lord has given us and the opportunities to expand into the future. We are so thankful for how the Lord has blessed our mission. One thing that also comes with this blessing is a new mailing and support address. Please begin sending all mail and support to the following:
Vision Baptist Missions
Attn: Josh Miller – Peru
PO Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534
Thank you so much for making this change, and thank your for your prayers as we move forward!
We cannot thank you enough for your faithful partnership through prayer and finances. We have the means to go because of your faithfulness to send. Thank you!
– God has given us many opportunities to speak with people in the area as we seek to plant this new church.
– We have a group coming to help with several projects
– Pray for continued growth in the folks we have been discipling.
– Pray that God would open doors for us to rent a space for Redeemer Baptist Church to meet.
– Pray for continued provision for a land purchase as a permanent home for the church.
We are grateful for your prayers for our family! You can click here if you would like to give to support the ministry!