What a wonderful Christmas season we were able to enjoy here in Peru! It was our first Christmas as a church, and we were thrilled with the opportunity to celebrate together. Let me share a bit about this past month and how we celebrated the birth of Christ together:
Redeemer Baptist Church Reflects on Christ’s Birth
Redeemer Baptist Church at the end of December completed 7 months as a new church plant! It has been a wonderful experience to see this dream become a reality. We are seeing folks grow and mature in their walks with Christ and take on responsibilities and positions of service in the church. The Sunday before Christmas we gathered and read the scriptures on the birth of Christ and explored the different reactions we see expressed to His birth. The takeaway for each of us should be to respond to Jesus with hope and faith, even in uncertain times and circumstances.
Christmas Theatre
My wife had a great idea to begin a Christmas tradition in the church of putting on a Christmas play. A group from the church practiced every week in order to put on this special evening. The theme of the play was to tell of the birth of Jesus from the perspective of the “Old Star” teaching a “New Star” about what happened over 2,000 years ago. We had several first time guests present, and I had the opportunity to share the gospel with them at the end. Would you pray that God would use opportunities like this one to reach more people with the good news of Christ?
Ladies Event
My wife (yes, she has been busy) also organized a ladies event for Christmas where the ladies from the church could invite friends and family and do a craft together while hearing a bible lesson. Please be praying for these ladies and their families, that God would continue working in their lives and that we could be used to help them spiritually.
Grateful Hearts: Thank You for Your Support and Partnership in Peru
I’d like to take a moment to say THANK YOU for those who have written emails, letters, and sent special offerings to us during this season. We are so grateful for your faithfulness and partnership. Thank you for your participation in God’s ministry here in Peru!
As we press forward in hope and expectation we are reminded of all of the ways God has provided up to this point, including bringing us in contact with YOU! Thank you for your faithfulness and prayers for our family. !
Redeemer Baptist Church
There are about 80,000 people in this area and we are excited to be able to serve them with the gospel of Christ!
The church is growing rapidly and Lord willing will soon outgrow our current meeting space!
Our desire is to purchase a piece of property in the area to be able to provide a long-term home for the church and provide the stability needed for long-term growth.
We have now seen $1,500 given toward this project!
Would you pray for us as we seek to raise $200,000 to purchase a property and building to provide a lasting lighthouse of hope in this urban community?
Vision Baptist Missions, Inc. and the Our Generation Training Center have been praying for God to provide space for the ministry to expand. In February 2022, through the giving of many generous individuals and churches, God provided an excellent property in Dawsonville, Georgia with several buildings. We are very excited about the property the Lord has given us and the opportunities to expand into the future. We are so thankful for how the Lord has blessed our mission. One thing that also comes with this blessing is a new mailing and support address. Please begin sending all mail and support to the following:
Vision Baptist Missions
Attn: Josh Miller – Peru
PO Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534
Thank you so much for making this change, and thank your for your prayers as we move forward!
We cannot thank you enough for your faithful partnership through prayer and finances. We have the means to go because of your faithfulness to send. Thank you!
– New families are starting discipleship
– A calendar full of opportunities for growth and maturity
– Several gifts were given recently for our property purchase!
– Discipleship among the men in the church
– Funds for a property purchase
-Several mission trips planned to come help in the ministry in 2025
We are grateful for your prayers for our family! You can click here if you would like to give to support the ministry!